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11 April 2007 - 3:01:12am

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Welcome Message
11 April 2007 - 2:58:29am

Welcome to the Beggs Family History website, which contains information about the family and descendants of William Beggs and Jane Graham, four of whose children arrived in Australia from what is now Northern Ireland between 1853 and 1859.

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William Beggs and Jane Graham --- Their Story
11 April 2007 - 2:45:05am



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This is an ongoing work, and much material has yet to be collected. It almost certainly contains errors. Please help in its compilation by advising me of any additions and/or corrections, no matter how minor ‎(e.g. the correct spelling of a name, a nickname or other name that a person was know by rather than their first name, the church the couple were married in, details of an obituary notice or a will, etc.)‎ .

Also, I would appreciate receiving digital copies ‎(scanned or photographed - please DO NOT send originals)‎ of family photographs ‎(people, places, cemetery gravestones, etc.)‎, birth/marriage/death certificates, obituaries, wills, or any similar material on the early generations. I plan to extend this Web site to include all of this information, which others can then download from the Internet and print for their own records. If you have any such material, please advise me at the e-mail address at the bottom of this page, so we can discuss the best way to get the material to me.

I would like to acknowledge the following contributors to this family history:

**** Bob Perry of Albury, New South Wales, who, like me, is descended from James Beggs, third child of William and Jane Beggs. Bob did much of the original research into the family history of James and Helena Beggs.

**** Lynne Dalton of Wallsend, New South Wales, who is descended from Charles Beggs, first child of William and Jane Beggs. Lyn has provided me with most of the information on the other children of William and Jane Beggs, and she continues to research the family.

**** Rita Wiseman of Morpeth, New South Wales, who is descended from both Ann Jane Beggs ‎(wife of Henry Mills)‎ and Charles Beggs, children of William and Jane Beggs. Through Lyn, Rita has provided information on her part of the family, and she continues to research the family. Rita has the original letter from William to Ann Jane written on 21 December 1874 ‎(see below)‎.


William Beggs and Jane ‎(Jenny)‎ Graham, of Ballygelly, County Antrim, Northern Ireland


It is not know when William Beggs was born, but it is assumed to be around 1800, since his first known child, Charles, was born in 1823. Nor is it known where he was born.

It is not known exactly when Jane Graham was born, but her death certificate shows her date of death as 3 January 1872 and her age as 69 years, making her birth year about 1803. It is not known where she was born. It is assumed that William and Jane were married prior to the birth of Charles in 1823. It is not known where they were married.

The known children of William and Jane are Charles ‎(1823)‎, Ann Jane ‎(1825)‎, James ‎(1827)‎, John ‎(1835)‎, Thomas ‎(1836)‎, William ‎(1841)‎, Elizabeth ‎(1844)‎ and Nathaniel ‎(1846)‎.

It appears that William and Jane lived most of their life in Ballygelly, a small village about 10 kilometers east of Ballymena, County Antrim, which is about 40 kilometers north west of Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is known from parish records that three of their children ‎(William, Elizabeth, Nathaniel)‎ were born in Ballygelly, and Jane's place of residence on her death certificate is given as Ballygelly.

William's occupation is given as a weaver on his wife's death certificate. Family stories indicate that William worked for the father of Samuel McCaughey who owned a linen mill. William's son James later worked for Samuel ‎(later Sir Samuel)‎ McCaughey on several of his properties in southern New South Wales, Australia.

A letter from William to his daughter Ann Jane in Australia on 21 December 1874 still exists ‎(see text of the letter below)‎. In the letter, William gave his daughter the date of her mother's death ‎(3 January 1872)‎, which was used to obtain her death certificate. Her son Nathaniel is the informant on the death certificate. It is not known where she is buried.

It is not known when William died ‎(after his letter of 21 December 1874)‎, nor has a death certificate been found for him in Northern Ireland. In his letter to Ann Jane, William said that his son Nathaniel was living in Coatbri ‎(probably Coatbridge, near Glascow)‎ Scotland. As Nathaniel was the informant for his mother's death, and William was about 74 years when he had the letter written, it is possible that William went to Scotland to live with Nathaniel. We plan to search for William's death certificate in Scotland.


Letter from William Beggs to his daughter Ann Jane Mills living at Hinton ‎(near Maitland)‎, NSW, Australia


21 December 1874

My dear daughter,

I write you a few lines to say that we are well and I wish to say that you were baptised in Broughshane by the Rev. William Crawford, Rector of St. Kerry's at Rocavan in the year 1825. Your mother died 3rd. January 1872. I had a letter from James enclosing a present of a pound. Write to him c/- Mr. McCaughey, Youkley Station, Burrabogie. Charles has a farm of 82 acres on the Patterson River, a place called Hoodvale ‎(= Woodville)‎. When you write be sure to direct your letter to the care of Mr. Christy Redmond, Aghafatten for me.

I remain your father,

William Beggs

Your brother Nathaniel lives in Coatbri Scotland and is married. William is living at Belfast and is married and has a family.



Children of William and Jane Beggs


‎(1)‎ First child of William and Jane Beggs --- Charles


Born --- August 1823 in Ballycreek ‎(Ballygelly?)‎, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Married --- 1852 at Ballymena, Northern Ireland.

Wife --- Rachel Jane Ferguson, born circa 1828, Broughshane, Co. Antrim, daughter of William and Cath. Ferguson.

Departed --- From Liverpool on 23 August 1856 on the "Edward Oliver" with sons John and James.

Arrived --- Sydney, NSW on 22 November 1856.

Occupation --- Farm labourer, farmer.

Presbyterian, member of Loyal Orange Lodge.

Children ‎[8]‎ --- John ‎(1853)‎, James ‎(1856)‎, William ‎(1858)‎, Annie Agnes ‎(1860)‎, Jane ‎(1863)‎, Robert ‎(1865)‎, Thomas ‎(1868)‎, Charles ‎(1870)‎

Died --- 11 May 1923 at Woodville, NSW, aged 99 and 9 months


Family story of Charles and Rachel Beggs


Charles Beggs, probably the oldest child of William Beggs and Jane Graham, was born at Ballycreek ‎(Ballygelly?)‎, Antrim in August 1823. He married Rachel Jane Fergusson ‎(Ferguson)‎, the daughter of William Fergusson and Catherine Tuff ‎(Duff?)‎ in Antrim, probably about 1852. Charles was a farm labourer and never learned to read or write but Rachel could read.

In 1856, most likely as a result of the "Great Hunger" in Ireland, the couple with their two small sons ‎(John, aged 3 years and James, born 10th July, 1856 at Belfast)‎ sailed from Liverpool on 23rd August in the "Edward Oliver." After a voyage of three months, they arrived in Sydney NSW on the 22nd November, 1856 and proceeded directly to the Hunter Valley near Maitland NSW, despite the fact that Charles had two sisters and a brother already living in Victoria.

The family settled in the small village of Woodville, about 7 miles from Maitland and on the Paterson River. A number of Scots Presbyterians had already settled in the district and there were several large farming estates. Charles worked as a labourer first at "Clifden" for the Graham family, and his third son, William, was born there on the 10th June 1858. Ann Agnes, his first daughter, was born in 1860 at Woodville, then Jane ‎(Jinny)‎ was born in 1863, her birth being recorded at Moulamein NSW.

Possibly the family had travelled south to visit Charles' brothers, James and Thomas, who had arrived in 1859 and were living in that area by 1863. Robert the sixth child died as an infant. Thomas, born in 1869, and Charles, born 29th March 1870, were both born at Woodville. Charles and Rachel reportedly struggled to make ends meet and their youngest son told how they were a happy, but poor family, for much of his youth. The family lived in workers' cottages attached to the properties where they were employed. Charles often worked for the Grahams, and there is speculation that they may have been his mother's relatives.

In about 1895, Charles Junior purchased a small acreage for his parents at Woodville ‎(about 5.5 acres with a further 0.75 acre for his own house)‎. It was part of the old "Iona" estate, and the old residence on it was part of the old school. Rachel died there in 1904, and in his later years Charles was cared for by Jinny at first, then Charles Junior and his family. He died there in 1923, just three months short of a century.

His obituary records that he was "of a quiet, retiring disposition, a loving father, a kind neighbour and highly respected by all". He was buried beside Rachel in an unmarked grave in the cemetery at Hinton NSW. Charles' granddaughter, Alma Russell ‎(nee Beggs)‎ of Raymond Terrace NSW, recalls many stories about Charles. He was a staunch Presbyterian and member of the Loyal Orange Lodge ‎(an Orangeman)‎. A photo survives, showing him in his full regalia, which likewise has survived and is the property of Mr. Oswald Beggs of Gloucester NSW.

Charles proudly told all and sundry that he was a "North of Ireland, Scotch Peterian." In his later years, he and another local farmer who was a Methodist, shared a good black alpaca suit. On Sundays, the suit had to be ferried back and forth across the farms by the grandchildren so that each gentleman could wear it to his particular church service.

Charles was blessed with good health, and when he was well into his eighties, he took a job digging and clearing drains for a local farmer. He couldn't tell the time and did not like to be late for work so often started at 4:00 a.m., and one of his grandchildren had to take his breakfast to the work site at a more civilized hour. In daylight hours, Charles used a nail hammered into a piece of wood as a rudimentary sundial.

For the last five years of his life, Charles was happily senile and delighted in playing childlike tricks on all. He would walk quite a distance across a paddock and down a hill to the most distant of three "dunnies" on the property. When finished, he would call for his daughter-in-law, Maggie, to bring his old rocking chair to drag him home up the hill. One day he heard a visitor talking about him. She said, "Old Charlie feels the cold as his blood is pretty thin". He took offence and later was found with a pocket knife and blood all through his beard. He'd cut his finger to prove that his blood was as good as ever it was!

On another occasion, he was found with a pocket knife and his favourite suit coat totally unpicked. He wanted to get another made the same, so he'd found a way to make a good pattern. In his last days, he was often "back in Ireland digging peat in the bogs" and he expected that his grandchildren should know all about this task.


Children of Charles and Rachel Beggs


‎(1)‎ John Beggs married Catherine McDonald at Morpeth NSW in 1875. John was a farmer and dealer at nearby Phoenix Park. The couple produced ten children, some of whom stayed in the Hunter Valley but others spread throughout the state. They were: Miriam ‎("Marion" 1875)‎, Rachel Jane ‎(1881)‎, Daisy ‎(1833)‎, Frederick James ‎("Monkey" 1884)‎, George Henry ‎(1884)‎, James Edmund ‎("Eddie" 1886)‎, Eva May ‎(1888)‎, Verley K. ‎(1891)‎. Catherine died on 13th February 1926 after a long illness and was buried at Morpeth NSW. John married Ada F. Hill in 1927, but died shortly after in 1929 at nearby Woodberry NSW.

‎(2)‎ James Beggs married Ester ‎(Hester)‎ Chipperfield on 24th March, 1881 at Woodville NSW. The couple worked on farming properties, probably as share farmers for many years and lived at East Maitland, Morpeth, Paterson and Oswald, all near Maitland NSW. They produced thirteen children, the descendants of whom largely remained in the Hunter Valley. They were: Elsie Agnes ‎("Ciss" 1881)‎, Robert James ‎(1882)‎, Constance Jane ‎(1884)‎, Ester ‎("Essie" 1886)‎, William Bernard ‎(1888)‎, Nathan James ‎("Nate" 1889)‎, Elizabeth Harriet ‎(1891)‎, Howard Roy ‎(1892)‎, Mabel May ‎(1894)‎, Annie Vera ‎(1896)‎, Myrtle Margaret Gladys ‎(1899)‎, Violet Fergusson ‎(1901)‎ and Oswald ‎(1905)‎. After 1905, James purchased a farm at Craven near Ward's River, just south of Gloucester NSW, where he lived until his death on 28th May, 1936. He was buried in the Methodist Cemetery at Gloucester. Many of James' and Esther's children lived well into their eighties and nineties, but in 2000, Oswald Beggs is the only surviving member of that family.

‎(3)‎ William Beggs struck out on his own towards the north and in 1886 at Alstonville NSW, married Eliza Florence Morrish. Her father owned a saw mill and later a sugar mill so it is likely that William worked there. He was also a farmer. This couple produced nine children: Percival F. ‎(1887)‎, William Raymond ‎(1888)‎, Jessie H. ‎(1890)‎, Ivy F. ‎(1892)‎, Leonard C. ‎(1893)‎, Alma M. ‎(1896)‎, Doris M. ‎("Dorrie" 1898)‎, Daisy A. ‎(1901)‎, Irene Lavinia ‎(1903)‎. Of these, Leonard died in France in 1917 and Raymond fought in WW1. In 1917, the family moved further north to a dairy farm near Mullumbimby NSW, where William died shortly after on 30th December 1917. Eliza carried on the farm and died in Mullumbimby on 22nd December 1947. Both were buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery there.

‎(4)‎ Annie Agnes married her first cousin, Isaiah Herbert Mills, on 28th December 1892. The couple lived near Morpeth at Hinton NSW and had one child Eaulaula Viril ‎(1899)‎. Herbert was a farmer, member of a lodge and lay preacher in both the Presbyterian and Anglican churches. Annie was reportedly a kind, friendly person, but very prim and proper. Both she and Herbert were buried at Hinton NSW.

‎(5)‎ Jane Beggs, known as "Jinny" was single and lived at "Iona" Woodville, NSW. She had a congenital hip deformity and struggled to crawl about. This probably accounted for her "unhappy disposition". She kept house for her widowed father and brother Tom and died at Morpeth in 1935.

‎(6)‎ Robert Beggs died as an infant in 1865 and is buried at Hinton NSW.

‎(7)‎ Thomas Beggs remained single and lived at "Iona" Woodville NSW. He too had a congenital hip deformity and walked with a limp. He was able to ride a horse and thus moved about the farm and village where he sometimes worked at corn husking and shelling. He died at Woodville in 1925.

‎(8)‎ Charles Beggs married Margaret McKoen ‎(Koen)‎ in Maitland on 15th September, 1897. In his youth, Charles had worked at Dungog for two years delivering groceries on horseback to outlying farms, and then briefly worked indoors for the "Maitland Mercury" newspaper. After his marriage, he built his own house at Woodville from bush timber and with bush carpentry methods. He lived there for the rest of his life, growing vegetables on his small market garden and taking his produce to Maitland market in a cart. He also worked periodically on local properties Clifden, Tressingfield and Stradbroke, cutting hay and pressing it into bales. Charles reportedly had a very placid temperament and was well content with his simple lifestyle as long as he could eat red meat three times a day. He was fully involved in the life of his small community, working on the flood boat when needed, serving as a scrutineer in elections ‎(he was a staunch Country Party supporter)‎ and performing recitations at all local events at the School of Arts. He particularly loved the poetry of Banjo Paterson, loved to sing the Irish songs and ditties passed down through his family, and played the tin whistle too. Despite a leaky heart valve, the legacy of childhood rheumatic fever, Charles always worked hard. During the Depression, he supplemented the family income by cutting 6' hay batons in the bush and shooting wild game in the nearby swamps. His wife, Margaret, although untrained, served as the local midwife for the many unable to afford a doctor.

The couple produced five daughters : Emily ‎(1898)‎ who died as an infant, Florence Maud ‎(1899)‎, Ada Irene ‎(Rene 1902)‎, Edna Rose ‎(1907)‎ and Alma May ‎("Till" 1918)‎, the latter still living in 2000. Margaret Beggs died on 15th February 1949, and Charles died on 2nd December 1950. Both died at Maitland Hospital and were buried at Hinton NSW. In later life they had both joined the "Evangelists" or Cuneite faith.


‎(2)‎ Second child of William and Jane Beggs --- Ann Jane


Born --- circa 1825 ‎(Christening date)‎ in Broughshane, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Departed --- 14 May 1853 from Glasgow on the "Hugh Walker".

Arrived --- 7 October 1853 in Melbourne, Victoria.

Married --- 5 June 1856 at Wedderburn, Victoria.

Husband --- Henry Mills, born circa 1824, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Occupation --- Home duties.

Children ‎(6)‎ --- Finch ‎(1855)‎, Henrietta ‎(1858)‎, Jeremiah ‎(1861)‎, Louisa ‎(1862)‎, Joseph Henry ‎(1865)‎, Carolyn ‎(1868)‎.

Died --- 3 December 1913 at Morpeth, NSW.


‎(3)‎ Third child of William and Jane Beggs --- James


Born --- 9 May 1827, possibly in Ballygelly, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Married --- 26 June 1858 in the Presbyterian Church, Buckna, Northern Ireland.

Wife --- Helena Macauley, born on 26 July 1840, daughter of Robert Macauley and Sarah Ray.

Departed --- 6 August 1859 from Liverpool, England on the "Shackamaxon", with son William.

Arrived --- 25 November 1859, disembarking in Moreton Bay ‎(now called Brisbane)‎, Queensland.

Occupation --- Shepherd, farm supervisor, farmer

Children ‎[9]‎ --- William ‎(1858)‎, Unnamed Female ‎(1860)‎, Sarah Sophie ‎(1861)‎, Ann Jane ‎(1863)‎, Robert Henry ‎(1865)‎, Mary Eliza ‎(1870)‎, Sarah ‎(1873)‎, Frances ‎(1877)‎, Helena Emma ‎(1883)‎

Died --- 30 July 1914 at Boree Creek NSW, aged 87


Family story of James and Helena Beggs


James ‎(Jimmy)‎ Beggs was born in Northern Ireland ‎(probably in Ballygelly, County Antrim)‎ on 9 May 1827 ‎(date from the family bible)‎, son of William Beggs and Jane ‎(Jenny)‎ Graham.

Helena ‎(Lena)‎ Mc.Auley was born in Northern Ireland ‎(probably near Ballymena, County Antrim)‎ on 20 July 1840 ‎(date from the family bible)‎, daughter of Robert Mc.Auley and Sarah Ray.

James married Helena at the Presbyterian Church in Buckna, about 40 kilometers north-west of Belfast, Northern Ireland, on 26 Jun 1858. At the time of their marriage, James was 31 and Helena was 18. On their marriage certificate, both James and Helena made their mark, as neither of them could write. At the time of their marriage, James's residence was given as Maghermully, Skerry ‎(possibly Maghera, about 30 kilometers west of Ballymena)‎. Helena's residence was given as Carnalbana, Ticmacrevan ‎(possibly Carnalbanagh Sheddings, about 15 kilometers east of Ballymena)‎.

According to family stories, James worked in Northern Ireland for the father of Samuel McCaughey ‎(later to be Sir Samuel)‎. James later worked for Samuel McCaughey in Australia on various properties he owned in southern New South Wales. Several of his children were born on McCaughey properties.

James, Helena and their infant son William ‎(eight months old)‎ sailed from Liverpool, England on 6 August 1859, aboard the "Shackamaxon". Fourteen weeks later, they arrived in Moreton Bay ‎(now known as Brisbane)‎ on 25 November 1859, where they disembarked. James' occupation in the shipping records is given as a labourer, and Helena's as a housewife. Both James and Helena were recorded as being able to read but not write.

Also travelling on the "Shackamaxon" were James' brother Thomas Beggs and his wife Nancy Aiken ‎(or Egan)‎. James and Thomas were recorded in the immigration records as having the same parents. The birth certificate for their third child ‎(William)‎ shows that he was born at "Goolgumbla" Station, Deniliquin on 4 July 1864. It also shows his father Thomas as the informant of the birth, with his residence being "Yanko" Station, Deniliquin, which was a property owned by Sir Samuel Mc.Caughey.

James worked at "Singorimbah" Station as a shepherd. He was there at least in 1872 ‎(Sarah's birth)‎ and 1877 ‎(Fanny's birth)‎. The property was owned by Sir Samuel McCaughey.

One family story about James - he and his drinking mate "Galloping Willie" Kyle were causing trouble with the chinese community in Hay. Some chinese set upon them, and one chinese died in the fracas. The Doctor said that he had died of a heart attack, to clear James and Willie.

Another family story - James was a staunch "Orangeman", and used to upset the locals in Carrathool on St. Patrick's Day by parading up and down the main street wearing full Orange regalia and carrying the Orange flag.

0n 6 October 1881, James applied for a Conditional Purchase of Land of Portion 46, south of Carrathool, and on the same date his son William applied for Portion 55, and his son Robert applied for Portion 47. On 7 September 1882, his daughter Ann applied for Portion 51. These four portions were each of 640 acres, and were adjacent to one another. The portions were subsequently granted to Sir Samuel Mc.Caughey, who sold the four portions to James on 24 March 1911 for 10 shillings. Sir Samuel Mc.Caughey is supposed to have loaned James the money to get established on the property.

James called the property "Crawfordburn". It now forms a small part of a station of about 180,000 acres. James' four portions are shown on the station map in the homestead as "the Beggs blocks". The house block is still visible, including a stand of peppercorn trees around the house site. The old well is still visible, as are hand- made bricks from the house chimney. Daughter Helena was born there in 1883, and daughter Ann was married there in 1884. Daughter Mary's first child, Lena Mabel, was born there in 1894.

According to family stories, James and Helena were ruined by a disastrous drought. However, transfer records show that they sold the property on 25 October 1912 for 4000 pounds. James and Helena later ‎(date not known)‎ purchased "Fairlands" ‎(about 1500 acres)‎ at Boree Creek ‎(near Lockhart)‎, for their daughter Helena and her husband Arthur Burrows. They had a six-roomed house built on it for about 500 pounds, which is still in use. James died there on 30 July 1914, aged 87. He is buried in the Presbyterian Section of the Lockhart cemetery ‎(Section E, Row 2, Number 9)‎. The grave is in good condition, and is cleariy marked by a headstone and a cast iron fence.

Probate on James' will was granted on 8 September 1914, in which he left his estate to his wife Helena. The estate was valued at 1962 pounds. Helena ‎(daughter)‎ and husband Arthur sold "Fairlands" ‎(date not known)‎ and moved into a house in Lockhart. Helena ‎(mother)‎ and Robert ‎(brother)‎ went with them. Helena ‎(mother)‎ died there on 28 July 1921, aged 81. She is buried in the Lockhart cemetery, in the plot next to James. There is no headstone.


Children of James and Helena Beggs


‎(1)‎ William was born at Ballymena, Northern Ireland on 5 December 1858, and came to Australia with his parents as an infant. He married Jessie Frances Richardson at the Wesleyan Church, Hay on 7 September 1889. They had five children - Bertie Mc.Cauley ‎(1890)‎, Robert James ‎(1893)‎, William Richardson ‎(1895)‎, Frank Haldane ‎(1901)‎ and Henry Fredrick ‎(1906)‎. William died at Hay on 4 July 1915, aged 56. He is buried in the Presbyterian Section of the Hay cemetery ‎(Plot L11)‎. There is no headstone on the grave. Jessie died at Narrandera on 16 July 1938, aged 74. She is buried in the Narrandera cemetery, and there is a headstone on the grave.

‎(2)‎ ‎(Unnamed)‎ Their second child was born at "Jimbour", Queensland on 12 January 1860. James was employed as a shepherd and would spend many nights out in the paddocks watching the sheep. According to a family story, as Helena's pregnancy advanced, an aboriginal woman, who could not speak English, put sheets of bark up against James and Helena's hut and slept there at night to watch over Helena. The female child, who was unnamed, died six days later on 18 January 1860.

‎(3)‎ Sarah Sophie was born in Queensland ‎(location not known, birth not recorded in Queensland)‎ on 15 December 1861, and died nine days later in Sydney on 23 December l86l. According to her death certificate, she was in NSW only one day prior to her death. She is buried in the Camperdown Cemetery.

‎(4)‎ Ann Jane was born at Back Creek, Victoria ‎(near Bendigo)‎ on 9 May 1863. James and Helena had gone to Bendigo to visit Helena's relatives ‎(possibly the parents of Bob and Mary Macauley of Goornong)‎. Ann married George Gall at "Crawfordburn", James' property near Carrathool, on 9 December 1884. She died in childbirth on 24 January 1886, aged 22. It is not known where she is buried. The child did not survive. It is not known where or when George died, nor where he is buried.

‎(5)‎ Robert Henry was born at "Thorowa" Station, near Jerilderie on 30 September 1865. Robert was mentally retarded and lived with his parents until they died, then lived with his sister Helena at Lockhart, then with his sister Mary at "Rookwood", Brookdale, and was finally moved to the State Hospital at Lidcombe, where he died on 20 February 1931, aged 65. He is buried at the Rookwood cemetery.

‎(6)‎ Mary Eliza also was born at "Thorowa" Station on 13 July 1870. She married Alexander Perry at Hay on 23 September 1893. They had six children - Lena Mabel ‎(1894)‎, James Gordon ‎(1896)‎, Harry Valentine ‎(1902)‎, Robert Ainsley ‎(1903)‎, Jessie Florence ‎(1910)‎ and Leila Grace ‎(1914)‎. Alexander died at Albury on 18 June 1932, aged 63. He is buried in the old Albury cemetery. Mary died at Albury on 6 June 1965, aged 94. She is buried in the Albury cemetery.

‎(7)‎ Sarah ‎(the same name as their third child)‎ was born at "Singorimbah" Station, near Carrathool on 18 June 1872. She married Fred Halbish at Hay ‎(date not known)‎. They had one child - Emma Frances ‎(1899)‎. Sarah died at Albury in 1928, aged 56. She is buried in the old Albury cemetery. It is not known where or when Fred died nor where he is buried.

‎(8)‎ Frances ‎(Fanny)‎ also was born at "Singorimbah" Station on 14 April 1877. She married Dan Burrows ‎(place and date not known)‎. They had two children - Walter James ‎(1896)‎ and Allan. Fanny died at Hay on 18 August 1924, aged 53. She is buried in the Hay cemetery. It is not known where or when Dan died, nor where he is buried.

‎(9)‎ Helena Emma was born at James' property "Crawfordburn" near Carrathool on 1 January 1883. She married Arthur Burrows ‎(Dan's brother)‎ ‎(place not known)‎ on 27 March 1902. They had four children - Arthur James ‎(1904)‎, William Henry ‎(1906)‎, Thomas Mc.Cauley ‎(1911)‎ and Reginal Cairo ‎(1916)‎. Helena died at Albury on 26 January 1931, aged 48. She is buried in the old Albury cemetery. Arthur died in Sydney in 1936, aged in his sixties. He is buried in Sydney, exact location not known.


‎(4)‎ Fourth child of William and Jane Beggs --- John


Born --- c1835, possibly in Ballygelly, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Married --- 21 May 1857 at S. Banks house, Myers Street, Geelong, Vic.

Wife --- Anne ‎(Annie)‎ Bruce, daughter of James Bruce and Christina Warke.

Children ‎(5)‎ --- James ‎(1859)‎, Christina ‎(1861)‎, John ‎(1863)‎, Anne ‎(1864)‎, Annie ‎(1865)‎.

Died --- 31 May 1902, Geelong Hospital, Vic.


‎(5)‎ Fifth child of William and Jane Beggs --- Thomas


Born --- 1836, possibly in Ballygelly, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Married --- 1859, place not known.

Wife --- Nancy Ann Aiken ‎(or Egan)‎, daughter of Walter and Mary Aiken ‎(or Egan)‎.

Departed --- 23 August 1856 from Liverpool, England on the "Shackamaxon" ‎(with James and Helena)‎.

Arrived --- 25 November 1859, disembarking in Moreton Bay ‎(now called Brisbane)‎, Queensland.

Occupation --- Shepherd.

Children ‎(8)‎ --- James ‎(1860)‎, Anne ‎(1862)‎, William ‎(1864)‎, Thomas Charles ‎(1870)‎, Eliza Jane ‎(1873)‎, William Robert ‎(1875)‎, George ‎(1878)‎, David Alexander ‎(1881)‎.

Died --- date not known, at Robinvale, NSW.


‎(6)‎ Sixth child of William and Jane Beggs --- William

It appears that some of William's children came to Australia, this is being researched.


Born --- 11 November 1841 at Ballygelly, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Married --- pre-1874 ‎(see William Beggs' letter above)‎.

Children ‎(6)‎ --- Robert James, William, Samuel, Jenny, Minnie, Annie.

Died --- Date or place not known.


‎(7)‎ Seventh child of William and Jane Beggs --- Elizabeth

The only information obtained to date is her birth and christening dates.


Born --- 21 January 1844 at Ballygelly, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Married --- Not known.

Children --- Not known.

Died --- Date and place not known.


‎(8)‎ Eighth child of William and Jane Beggs --- Nathaniel

Went to live in Scotland - see William's letter.


Born --- 30 May 1846 at Ballygelly, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Married --- 22 January 1866 at Lanark, Springburn, Scotland.

Wife --- Elizabeth Arthur.

Children ‎(6)‎ --- William, Alexander, Robert James, Hannah, Jane, Elizabeth.

Died --- Date and place not known.

GEDCOM Statistics
Beggs Family History - William Beggs and Jane Graham
This GEDCOM was created using Family Tree Maker 2005 for Windows Family Tree Maker 2005 (12.0.345 SP1) August 20, 2004 on 7 April 2007
Total surnames
Media objects
Other Records
Total events
Total users

Earliest Birth Year William Beggs  (I001)  
Birth about 1800

Death after 21 December 1874
Latest Birth Year
Earliest Death Year Unnamed Female Beggs  (I196)  
Birth 12 January 1860 Jimbour Station, Qld

Death 18 January 1860 Jimbour Station, Qld
Latest Death Year Maxwell James ‎‎(Max)‎‎ Beggs  (I167)  
Birth 25 January 1939 Windamere Hospital, Armadale, Vic

Death 2 September 2008 Melbourne, Victoria
Person who lived the longest
Charles Beggs  (I254)  
Birth 1823 Ballycreek, County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Death 11 May 1923 Woodville, near Maitland, NSW
Average age at death
Family with the most children
Bertie McAuley ‎(Bert)‎ Beggs + Annie Josephine Gillingham  (F008)  
Marriage 23 August 1910 Presbyterian Church, Swan Hill, Vic
Average number of children per family

Most Common Surnames
Beggs, Burrows, PERRY